Logo for Rivers & Rockies Outdoor Lodging Coalition RROLC

Our Commitment to Our Members In the Outdoor Lodging Industry

Rivers & Rockies OLC is here for the professionals who operate or serve outdoor lodging businesses. We provide members with tools and programs which members may use to strengthen or fortify their businesses. While not limited to these areas, advocacy, industry education, cost-savings programs, insight on best practices and industry trends, and programs for networking and information sharing are some benefit areas our members appreciate.

We’re grateful to all members who read our email in July, and to Woodall’s Campground Magazine for this Q&A article (click to read).

New … Yet Not New

In 2024, members built us upon the 50+ year-old bedrock through which two state associations had been serving their members. Rivers & Rockies now offers a more comprehensive suite of professional services and opens the doors to a larger territory.

The members felt the businesses in nearby states were missing out on perks and benefits, so we opened our doors to a wider territory.

We remain focused on diverse businesses ranging from the more rustic campgrounds to the robust RV or Glamping resorts.

Every Member Matters

As our members looked into the future, they designed Rivers & Rockies to better serve their needs. From the single-person ownership to the multi-generational family-owned campgrounds and to those owned by corporations, and even to those who are seeking to enter the industry, you were considered and you matter. And yes, even our Professional Partner Members matter to us. Every member matters!

From within one state, several of the state association’s co-founders (55+ years in the making!) are still actively engaged in their family businesses and in their state association. They take pleasure in the history their families helped create for the industry in that state. We’re honored to have them among our co-founders.

Even our CEO & Executive Director has over 25 years in the industry, 10 of which were in the role of owner/operator. She’s enjoyed being involved in non-profit association management throughout life, with 20+ of those years in this industry.

Rivers Rockies Outdoor Lodging Coalition advocacy local to national


  • Cost-Savings Programs
  • Movie & Music Licensing
  • Advocacy Support, from the community level to Washington D.C.
  • Networking with Fellow Members
  • Resources via App & Desktop
  • Education on Best Practices, Management, Operations, & Current Trends
  • Professionals Support Services
Graphic lists a sampling of the Rivers & Rockies Outdoor Lodging Coalition COST-SAVINGS OPPORTUNITIES and a map of the territory


Outdoor Lodging businesses include campgrounds, RV parks, RV resorts, and those who offer cabin, onsite RVs, and any of a wide range of glamping options.

Professional services businesses include for-profit businesses which offer support programs, products, inventories, supplies, and tools to the outdoor lodging businesses. We offered tiered levels so your business can find the best bridge to the outdoor lodging members. (Our online application is not yet available, so please contact us if you’d like to apply manually.)

Prospective proprietors are those who are considering a new career as owners in this industry.

If your outdoor lodging business is outside this territory, you may join but we ask you to please first contact us to discuss viable options for your consideration.


As an operator in states that have and do not have state association representation, I’ve seen first-hand the benefits that a more grassroots association can provide, and similarly where outdoor lodging properties struggle without similar resources. We are excited to be a part of and to support a more regional effort to provide these types of benefits, and would encourage now eligible properties to explore RROLC to strengthen and fortify their business! ~ SF, Horizon Outdoor Hospitality

Being a part of RROLC allows us to network and communicate with others in the industry, including other park owners and operators & industry suppliers. RROLC helps us gain knowledge providing us with a pool of online resources readily available when we need it. ~ TB, Elkhorn Ridge Resort

The RROLC team was instrumental in helping me acquire my first park. The ongoing advocacy is critical as legislatures confuse tourist-based RV Parks with mobile home parks. ~ ED, Riverwood Resort on the Gunnison

I have felt welcomed from the start, even though I don’t yet own a park. ~ JA, Prospective Proprietor

RROLC holds special regard for the comradery between owners, managers and the industry suppliers. For the businesses in their territory, RROLC has created a path to the future which keeps fellowship and collaboration above all else. I’m excited to be a part of this new organization. ~ MA, Leavitt Recreation & Hospitality Insurance


Now is the time to address the critical importance of campground owners’ associations. You may be asking yourself, “Why should I be a member, and what can you actually do for me?” Let me cut to the chase: I’ve been in your shoes, and I know the value firsthand.

Every campground owner has unique goals—some seek marketing strategies, while others are looking for fresh ideas. For me, joining the association was about finding a community of passionate individuals who understand the nuances of our industry. The association serves as our voice in legislative matters and provides a platform for networking with fellow campground owners.

It’s vital to recognize that while we may have different styles, we share many similarities. Few industries foster such collaboration and camaraderie, allowing us to enjoy each other’s company while sharing our insights without the fear of ideation theft. Quite frankly, if I have a great idea, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take it and run with it!

Having owned my campground for 12 years, it’s disheartening to see so many campgrounds not taking part in these associations. We genuinely want you involved, and I assure you, you’re missing out on tremendous opportunities. I used to think to myself, “I can’t afford this” or “I don’t have the time.” But that mindset was a mistake. Once I committed to being involved, my perspective shifted entirely.

Let’s not forget the personal journey I underwent when I was elected President of the South Dakota Campground Owners Association. For two years, I hesitated to take on a significant role, consumed by fears of time constraints and leadership effectiveness. When I finally accepted the position, I was intimidated—what had I done? I thought I was too busy for this. But the reality is, I found the time, and so can you!

Understand this: summer is a busy time for everyone, but most associations are well aware of that and are ready to accommodate. Active engagement—whether through board participation or simply attending meetings—is essential for your growth and the growth of the association. They need you, and once you start getting involved, you’ll see just how much you can contribute. Don’t underestimate the impact you can have.

Let’s be clear about what these associations do for you. I know multiple executive directors of associations across the county who work tirelessly to secure the best discounts for services and products that you might not even realize you need. Sure, you may not use every discount, but it’s vital for you to understand that these savings can benefit other members. All of this work involves countless phone calls and meetings to bring you these opportunities. Personally, I may not take advantage of every discount, but I do utilize a few, and I know many campgrounds that benefit from offers I don’t use. It’s all about saving money, and we all have unique needs.

Let’s talk about legislative advocacy—this is major. Associations actively represent you in state-level legislative sessions. I witness this firsthand in South Dakota, where I testify on bills affecting campgrounds, both positively and negatively. Without the South Dakota Campground Owners Association, legislation could seriously jeopardize our industry and your business.

If you’re thinking, “I don’t need to be part of your association to gain these benefits,” think again. That’s a convenient excuse. While others work hard to advocate for your business, you can’t afford to sit back. I wouldn’t let anyone fight for my business without being involved, and neither should you. The more members the association has, the more leverage it gains. Simply being a member helps; you don’t always have to show up physically to make your voice heard. Being part of the association grants it more influence, and engaging through emails and conversations with your representatives also matters.

Networking is another crucial benefit. I thrive on meeting fellow campground owners to exchange ideas and share experiences. We all have intriguing and entertaining stories to tell. One of my highlights is attending the Campground Owners Expo in Branson, MO. Five years ago, I couldn’t imagine going. I made excuses like “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the time.” Now, I can’t fathom missing it, and I regret not attending sooner. I go every year because it’s incredibly informative and lots of fun. There’s something for everyone there.

State and regional associations offer in-person meetings too, presenting great chances to connect with other owners in your area. Don’t let the distance scare you into making excuses like it’s too far to drive. Get moving—trust me, you’ll thoroughly enjoy it.

In a world that increasingly relies on Zoom, in-person meetings are essential and can’t be overlooked. I challenge every campground owner to join their state or regional association and, more importantly, to get involved. It’s not as intimidating as you might think; I used to feel the same way. Make the time for both Zoom meetings and in-person events. The off-season is your opportunity to engage. As I sit here looking forward to the Campground Owners Expo in two weeks, I’m already filled with excitement!

These associations need you, and whether you realize it or not, you need them to effectively advocate for you and serve your interests. I urge you to commit for at least a couple of years and get actively involved. Remember, you get out of it what you put into it. You will find this experience genuinely beneficial for both yourself and your campground in countless ways. Don’t wait—take action now!

Stephen Saint
Fort Welikit Campground (Custer, South Dakota)

Steve and Kelly Saint, Owners of Fort Welikit Family Campground